Why is the marketing of yesterday, not the marketing of today?
¿Por qué el marketing de antes no es el marketing de ahora? Cualquiera que haya tomado una clase de marketing sabe lo difícil que es definirla, hay muchos autores que creen tener la respuesta pero estas definiciones frecuentemente pierden la batalla contra el tiempo y terminan siendo refutadas ¿la razón? las necesidades del mercado cambian y con él también lo hace el marketing. Antecedentes Se teoriza que el marketing nació durante la revolución industrial (1760), no había competencia en los mercados (todavía no había concepto de mercado) por lo que la demanda rebasaba la oferta, todo se trataba de hacer [...]
The best 3 platforms for social media management
  Las mejores 3 plataformas para la gestión de redes sociales. En una agencia de marketing digital gestionamos las redes de muchas empresas al mismo tiempo. El subir publicaciones manualmente dependiendo de cada red y de cada perfil nunca ha sido lo más práctico, sin dejar de mencionar lo complicado que podría ser recordar todas las contraseñas de tus clientes y la cantidad de tiempo que te tomaría hacer todo eso. Para el beneficio de todos los que nos dedicamos a la gestión de redes sociales existen plataformas donde nos permiten postear en varias redes al mismo tiempo y en [...]
6 free social media managers
6 free social network administrators You have probably already heard about social network administrators, but if not here we will explain what they are, what they are for and we will talk about 6 free social network administrators. A social media manager is a digital marketing tool that allows you to manage all your accounts from a single interface. These services simplify all aspects of the management of social networks and help you not have to be entering each of the networks to publish or review some information. In addition to allowing you to schedule publications with [...]
Product Differentiation
Product Differentiation After having defined the product, the next step in a commercial strategy is to find the product differentiation that will make you offer something that stands out from what your competition offers. Mainly because today the market is overflowing with information that often overwhelms the customer. In the case of small companies, product differentiation can be a useful advantage because it makes the opportunity to compete against larger companies accessible. Plus, it gives them a better chance to compete against more popular products. There are two ways in which one [...]
Defining your Product
Defining your Product A commercial strategy begins by defining your product or products to market. One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is finding profitable, trending products that sell, whether it's a single product or an entire product line that fills a niche in a market. It is common for the potential entrepreneur to have many ideas, but do not know by which or which ones to define themselves. This can happen both to those who are just planning to open a business and to those who already have a business but have not yet defined what it is going to be [...]
Defining a Commercial Strategy
DEFINING A COMMERCIAL STRATEGY To start a business it is important to have a commercial strategy defined to determine the way in which your marketing and sales resources and efforts are going to achieve your commercial objectives. This also applies to consolidated companies that have not yet defined a commercial strategy. For this, it is important to follow a series of steps that will help us define it. We begin by defining the product to be marketed and specifying which are the differentials of the product against other similar ones that exist in the market. The same applies to services. Subsequently, it is important to determine the type of [...]
Introduction to HubSpot, a complete and free CRM.
Introduction to HubSpot, a complete and free CRM. If you have or work in a SME that is looking for a system to manage relationships with its customers (in English: Customer Relashionship Magement - CRM) then HubSpot is a highly recommended option since it is a complete and free CRM. Not all HubSpot tools are free, but if you are looking to organize, follow up and strengthen communication with your potential and current customers, HubSpot has free CRM features that will benefit your business and here we will explain how. To access HubSpot, go to the page [...]