- ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE - It is basic and fundamental to implement a successful digital transformation strategy, since this entails a sales channel through digital means, this implies the support and involvement of other areas of the company mainly: Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing and the support of the Information Technologies (Systems) area, to give it power and scalability that the channel requires, when companies are already established in the traditional channel this leads to continue working in independent silos with different indicators and objectives, in addition to seeing it as an internal service rather than a value chain. The work of Human Resources and the Directors are the main responsible for creating a new organizational culture where responsibilities, objectives and indicators are shared, always focused on improving customer service.
- WORK TEAM - It is very important to consider that successful digital transformation is not a 1-MAN SHOW, there is not one person who has all the knowledge of Ecommerce, Digital Marketing, Operations, Customer Service and everything that a sales channel implies, there are obviously much more operational profiles and other more strategic ones, you should start thinking about how to assemble a work team with rapid and accelerated growth, the first recommendation It would be someone who is in charge of the Ecommerce operation focused on the commercial area and sales, in order to grow income and that with this a more robust team is justified that allows you to exponentially increase orders and business profits.
- THE TECHNOLOGY - It cannot be left aside, selecting the platform will allow you to take your business to the next level, it is crucial because it involves a lot of investment of time, money and resources, the learning curve and adapting all the operation and administration processes such as: inventories, prices , promotions and shipments. The selected technology must be flexible and scalable enough to support the following growth steps, there are more and more Ecommerce models and platforms that allow the online sales channel to be fully developed, a page that I recommend is that of https://www.g2.com/categories/e-commerce-platforms to evaluate the scope, benefits and limitations of the software.
- PROCESSES - It must be considered that none of the processes to operate, manage, promote or provide customer service for the online sales channel exist, in many cases the current processes must be modified and adjusted to be able to establish the operating parameters of the same, the Work teams must acquire new responsibilities to provide support in the short and medium term, make sure to map and document the processes, as well as make sure the commitment of those involved and that they are focused on satisfying the needs of the clients.
- STRATEGY - The vision of the company and the objective for the online sales channel must be very clear, the investments, resources and messages must continually reinforce this vision and the fulfillment of this objective comes from the General Director, the commercial areas , marketing, administration and supply chain are the main ones involved in Ecommerce. The online sales business is an additional channel, each channel needs a commercial proposal, a promise of value, a shopping experience, and a customer service, this means stopping working focused on a common goal: customer loyalty.
Author: Jaime Yenny
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