Maybe you're running late with your online store.
Why wait? Maybe you're already running late with your online store. In the time that we have had to “survive”, the generation of wealth is increasingly based on information. Much of the information to which we have access is in cyberspace, therefore, it will not only be a compulsory subject in schools, but also one of the most expansive sources of work in the coming decades, the accelerated and emerging development of sources of wealth hosted on websites that are available to everyone almost at any time and place, is a situation that is upon us. Virtual businesses are already an imperative reality in the productive sector in all countries of the world (1) , and this only grows day by day in a dizzying way, which is why, if you already have the idea and do not implement it, start now with the virtual commerce of your business, you are already late in the virtual commerce race .
It is worth mentioning that the world of virtual commerce is not limited to the sale of products, it is also an immense area of opportunity for service sellers. A quick look at e-commerce statistics, only in Mexico, shows solid growth in recent years, with no slowdown (2).
Summary of Electronic Commerce Statistics 2021:
-Las visitas a sitios de comercio electrónico han crecido un 30% durante el último año.
-Los hábitos de consumo en línea en México han cambiado considerablemente. El estudio determinó que de las personas que compran productos en línea, el 38% lo hace al menos una vez por semana esto implica un aumento del 31% en comparación del 2017.
-Las compras en línea son muy rápidas y la entrega a domicilio es la favorita de los consumidores con el 84% de preferencia.
-Los productos que más se compran en línea son ropa y accesorios (77%), seguido de comida rápida (67%) y electrónicos (65%).
-Los servicios de entretenimiento como streaming y música son los servicios que más se adquieren en línea con 77%, seguido de la banca en línea.
-43% de las personas que nunca han comprado en línea desconfían de que este método ya que consideran que no es seguro, mientras 58% de que aquellas que ya han comprado en internet consideran que es totalmente seguro.
For all the above, if you are interested in starting a business, selling online can be very productive, it also represents a path with lower risks than those involved in acquiring or renting a space and starting a physical business, something to take into account especially in these times contingency.
The good news is that today practically anyone can create their own store, using services such as Shopify or open source software such as Magento or Woo Commerce and APIs with payment platforms such as PayPal and parcel services if your product requires it. So if you have a sufficient interest in being your own employer and want to start in the world of e-commerce, it is not absolutely necessary to hire the services of experts in virtual business creation.
However, we are not going to lie to you, it is not trivial to turn an idea into hard cash. You have to have a lot of perseverance and acquire knowledge of everything related to electronic commerce, it also helps to have some skills and some "instinct" for business, as well as a taste for hard work and little sleep. If you have all this, then you are on the right track! What are you waiting to start?
There are different actions involved in starting an online store, this article does not pretend to be an extensive guide, but we will try to summarize some of those that we consider most important:
-Elige un producto o servicios, de preferencia algo con lo que tengas experiencia o afinidad. Cabe mencionar que cualquier producto o servicio que tengas en mente puede ser ofertado en línea.
-Piensa en un nombre comercial, compra un dominio y registra tu marca.
-Crea una tienda en línea bien diseñada, ágil y fácil de utilizar. El proceso de compra debe ser amigable, desde encontrar los productos en el catálogo hasta finalizar con el pago.
-Investiga y decide que servicios de paquetería y pasarelas de pago tendrá tu negocio.
-Haz publicidad, tenemos la idea de que, porque prácticamente cualquier persona en el mundo puede tener acceso a nuestra tienda sin esfuerzo, lo harán, pero no hay nada más alejado de la verdad.
Para más información sobre el comercio electrónico y sus ventajas en comparación con el comercio tradicional puedes visitar el artículo Ventas por Internet: La Oportunidad Ideal Para Emprendedores de Amo CRM. Es Muy importante dar este paso para tu negocio de manera informada y segura.
Everything is starting, Let's get to work! Maybe you're already late with your online store. Get started with the virtual trade of your business, we wish you much success. And if you think you could use need help, in Micronics we can advise you and support you in every step, so that you can focus on your business, send us an email to info@micronics.mx and tell us about your project.