La pregunta del millón, ¿Qué plataforma de Ecommerce debería escoger?, en este artículo detallamos las principales ventajas y desventajas de dos de las plataformas más utilizadas cuando se empieza un negocio online para implementar Ecommerce como emprendedor: Magento vs Shopify.
The main difference between the two is that in Magento you must take care of the hosting and development of the platform, that is, you must have or subcontract the necessary infrastructure to host your Ecommerce, but the generated code is already your property. It also requires development support either in-house or through a service provider. In the case of Magento there are many certified partners in Mexico, of many sizes, we recommend that you select one that has previous experience implementing these solutions since there may be integrations with legacy systems, ERPs and CRMs that can be expensive and take a long time to implement. implementation, the great advantage is that you can have customized and specific configurations for your business since you are in control of the development of the platform. In our case, we already have more than 10 years in the development of ecommerce with Magento, if you like we can support you.
On the contrary, Shopify is a cloud platform, which with the payment of a monthly rent ensures the hosting of the platform that provides you with a secure server in compliance with PCI and an SSL security certificate, in addition to any modification, update or change In the code it is implemented in a general way through specific maintenance windows and with prior notice, its initial cost is much lower because it does not require such a large investment in infrastructure or development support, most of the plans include hours of service that They can cover small modifications or required changes, the administration experience is much simpler with drag and drop options, however the customization options are limited, for example it has its own payment gateway and some partners such as PayPal, but its options are few compared to Magento.
En general recomendamos Shopify para micros, pequeños y medianos empresarios que están iniciando su negocio, ya que permite una implementación rápida y con un menor costo, la clave del éxito es el catálogo de productos y su administración ya que de esto depende el 80% de las ventas en este tipo de plataformas, por lo que te recomendamos antes de iniciar con esta plataforma desarrollar una commercial strategy sólida, tener tus productos con la mayor información y fotos de la mejor calidad que se pueda, además de hacer un plan de marketing digital lo más agresivo posible dentro del presupuesto de tu empresa.
In the case of Magento, we recommend it for medium and large companies with an infrastructure and development capacity within their Information Technology department, internal or external, to customize, support and develop the platform's functionalities. This platform also provides greater scalability with modules such as B2B fully assembled and designed to have a price catalog per customer.
Finally, you know your business better than anyone, so you can evaluate if you prefer Shopify to start your business with little investment and grow it exponentially, or establish a more robust platform like Magento with the potential to further diversify your business with high customization. Just remember to establish your initial parameters such as investment capacity, infrastructure, development, support and administration of the platforms prior to selecting it. Fortunately we have had very good experience with the implementation of both platforms. Count on our support to make your online business profitable and successful on your own terms, remember, “Hard problems, Software solutions”.